The origins of the roulette wheel have always been a source of fascination, and they have always been cloaked in mystery. According to history, the roulette wheel was created in the 17th century by French mathematician and scientist Blaise Pascal. He was attempting to develop motion machinery that did not require the use of any external energy. He failed at his main aim, but in a way, he succeeded because his innovation is now employed in every physical casino, and the game is enormously popular both on land and online.
This infographic also shows more facts about the roulette wheel, did you know that the roulette wheel is also called “The Devil’s Game”. The explanation for this is that when all of the numbers on the Roulette wheel are tallied together, regardless of the game version, they equal 666. Because this is the number most usually linked with the Devil, it’s easy to see why this soon acquired the nickname for the game we all know and love.
Here’s another fact, roulette is one of the most popular casinos to be played in casinos, both physical and online. Gamblers have found that some online casinos like this one here offers fantastic perks such as enhanced odds, pay-out bonuses etc.