The key to any successful business is a high quality recruitment strategy and if you want to help your business grow and achieve great things, you must invest time and energy into getting the very best people through your doors. Recruitment is not about getting the most qualified person or someone that can balance out the demographics within the business, it is about getting the right person for the job that you are looking for, this includes qualifications of course, but also character and suitability. To ensure that you are attracting the right applicants for your position, here is where you should go to find them.
Social media has revolutionized many worlds and industries, none more so than the recruitment sector. The best social media channel for businesses to use when seeking out skilled and suitable staff is LinkedIn, a social media site which is dedicated to professionals. On this website you can not only post your job which will then be found by others, but you can actively seek out skilled professionals who you believe will be perfect for the job, and directly approach them.
Recruitment Agencies
Although it will come at a cost, using a recruitment agency is the best idea to help you find the highest caliber of staff possible. Make sure that when you do use an agency, you select one which specializes in your particular sector or industry. For example if you have a law firm then you should aim to use a legal recruitment agency as opposed to a general agency. The reason for this is simply to ensure that you are working with a team who know exactly how to deliver an applicant with the high level of specialized knowledge and experience which you are looking for.
Blanket Search
If you decide to post your job on a job search site, it will be important that you broaden your search and use a number of different companies. Something which often puts people off posting on numerous job sites is that you must pay a fee each time but if you want the best people for the job then it is certainly worth the investment as you will want as many people as possible to see your positions.
Stored Information
Many companies will receive letters of application even when they are not seeking new staff, and these should always be stored for later use. For someone to send a letter when there are no job vacancies being published, shows both initiative and creativity and they may very well be the type of candidate that you are looking for. Go through storage and contact anyone who has previously applied for a position in the business, and invite them in for an interview, you may hit the jackpot!
Getting the right staff is vital to your business’ success so make sure that you invest the appropriate time into the recruitment process.