George S. Ammar is the founder of Ohio CFO LLC, for which he is the Chief Financial Officer. He is a CPA certified account, which means he leads a very busy life in which there is little time for much else. Not so long ago, however, he found that his resilience to bugs started to go down and that he was looking up contact details for health professionals in the city’s online directory more and more frequently. As it turned out, he was close to a burnout. For years, he had prioritized his business, putting himself second. This gave George Ammar the motivation he needed to make a real change. He decided to prioritize his health and fitness from thereon and has since developed an active and healthy lifestyle. And he believes anyone in Cleveland, Ohio can do the same.
Staying Healthy in Cleveland According to George Ammar
One of the particular initiatives that George S. Ammar is enthusiastic about is Healthy Cleveland, which is the Healthy Cleveland Initiative. They are a directory of business people, nonprofit organizations, and other individuals who are fully committed to making Cleveland a healthier, happier place. Their goals are clear and they have brought various tools and processes together to enable people in the city to get healthy. George S. Ammar immediately joined the initiative and encourages others to do the same.
The initiative has a number of key priorities, all of which Ammar has signed up to. They are:
- To access healthcare. This was never a problem for him, having various contacts in virtually every business. However, there is still a lack of health insurance coverage among many people and some live in health disparity communities, meaning insufficient healthcare provision is available.
- To ditch tobacco. Too many people still smoke in Cleveland and this is something Ammar wants to stop in particular. Smoking related illnesses are still one of the greatest causes of preventable deaths in the country.
- To eat right. Food is so important and it is all too easy for people to turn to processed TV dinners instead of eating a healthy diet. However, there are ways to circumvent this through proper meal planning and preparation and by understanding nutrition.
- To get active. This is the priority that started it all for George S. Ammar He has learned to be active and to focus on his fitness. As an executive in a profession that is conducted mainly behind the desk, getting active was very difficult. However, now that he has started, he can’t imagine stopping ever again.
- To know your neighborhood. There are lots of activities going on organized by residents that people can sign up for, such as walking clubs.
- To mend your mind. Mental health is as much part of a healthy lifestyle as physical health and the stigma on mental illness must be broken.
- To promote peace, preferably on a global level.
- To understand health.