If you plan on packing the kids into the minivan for a long road trip, visiting a lakeside cottage for a long weekendto swim and breathe in the fresh air, or taking a plane to a different beautiful country for the very first time, you will want to remember your amazing family adventure. Here are three phenomenal and creative ideas that will help you preserve every single second of joy that you have away from home.
- Photo Book
In some cases, the most obvious answer is the best one—dedicating an entire family photo book to your vacation is a perfect way to treasure those memories. You can take as many pictures as you want with your digital camera, tablet, or your smartphone and use the website photoroost to put together a glossy printed photo book. The website lets you arrange, design and print your digital image files into different book styles — you can order mini-books or if you want to wait for the end of the year, you can order calendars and yearbooks. This website offers a quick and easy way to make a photo book that will help you remember the fantastic time you had on your trip — with every flick of the page, you will find another cherished moment.
- Make A Memory Jar
This craft involves displaying small items that you have collected during your travels, whether it’s to a cottage, to a beach or to an entirely new country. If you want to make your own memory jar showing off a visit to the ocean, you could fill it with seashells, pebbles and sand, and if you want to create one for a family camping trip, you can use pinecones, wildflowers and fishing tackles. If you are wondering why it is called a memory jar, it’s because each item inside the jar represents a part of your trip and has the power to bring you back to that moment in time.
- Collect Postcards
Commemorate every single one of your vacations by writing yourself a post-card during the trip or after you’ve returned. If you make this habit for every trip you take, you will eventually amass quite a collection of souvenirs. When you are planning to do a postcard keepsake, try to browse stores that aren’t specifically for tourists—go to bookstores, craft shops and post offices to find unique pictures and designs. Instead of picking up a plain card with the name of the location, challenge yourself to bring the strangest, funniest or most artistic one backhome.
It can be difficult to clearly remember every important moment of a big family vacation after a few years. These creative and thoughtful techniques will help transport you back in time — you’ll hear the songs playing on the car radio when you flick through your album, you’ll feel the sand between your toes when you stare at your memory jar, and you will see the gorgeous landscapes when you read through your postcards.